Tuesday 28 November 2017


ALẸ́ ẸRẸBẸ is here again, this is a Cultural Night program organized by the youths of Ipoti as part of activities marking end of the year celebrations. It is usually staged on the 30th December yearly. Parts of the activities during the event include display of ancient traditional attires e.g kẹ̀mbè, bùbá ati ṣọ́rọ́, agbádá, dànsíkí, traditional songs and dancing steps e.g apíìrì, gìrẹ̀, traditional cooking methods e.g the use of adiro to cook ẹ̀fọ́ èbìrẹ́, traditional mode of greetings, recitation of original Èwì etc. your kind donations towards this great event counts. Watch out for a classical event at 2017 Alẹ́ Ẹrẹbẹ!!!

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